2 research outputs found

    Time Sensitive Networking Protocol Implementation for Linux End Equipment

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    By bringing industrial-grade robustness and reliability to Ethernet, Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) offers an IEEE standard communication technology that enables interoperability between standard-conformant industrial devices from any vendor. It also eliminates the need for physical separation of critical and non-critical communication networks, which allows a direct exchange of data between operation centers and companies, a concept at the heart of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This article describes creating an end-to-end TSN network using specialized PCI Express (PCIe) cards and two final Linux endpoints. For this purpose, the two primary standards of TSN, IEEE 802.1AS (regarding clock synchronization), and IEEE 802.1Qbv (regarding time scheduled traffic) have been implemented in Linux equipment as well as a configuration and monitoring system.This work has been supported by the Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad of Spain within the project TEC2017-84011-R and FEDER funds as well as by the Department of Education of the Basque Government within the fund for research groups of the Basque university system IT978-16

    Monitorizaci贸n de estado de recursos en SDN basadas en ONOS

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    [ES]Las redes definidas por software (SDN) representan un nuevo paradigma de red que mejora la flexibilidad de las redes separando el plano de control del plano de datos. Los dispositivos de red 煤nicamente reenv铆an los paquetes de datos que corresponde al plano de datos mientras que todo el control l贸gico est谩 centralizado, en el plano de control, en un software llamado controlador. En este proyecto se propone el desarrollo de una aplicaci贸n de monitorizaci贸n de red en tiempo real usando el controlador ONOS. La monitorizaci贸n es un elemento crucial en cualquier red de comunicaciones ya que permite, entre otras cosas, supervisar el correcto funcionamiento de la red, ayudar en la planificaci贸n y facilitar la realizaci贸n de ingenier铆as de tr谩fico. La aplicaci贸n propuesta sentar谩 las bases para la realizaci贸n de un sistema de monitorizaci贸n para ONOS.[EN]Software Defined Networks (SDN) represent a new network paradigm that improves flexibility in networks by decoupling the control plane and the data plane in the network devices. It makes the networking devices simple packet forwarding devices and leaves all the control logic to a centralized software called controller. The proposal is a real-time network monitoring application using the ONOS (Open Network Operating System) controller. Network monitoring is a crucial element in any communications network since it allows, among other things, to ensure the proper operation of the networks, it helps planning and facilitates network engineering techniques.[EU]Softwarez Definitutako Sareak (SDN) paradigma berria dira sareen munduan, kontrol-planoa eta datu-planoak bereiziz, sareen malgutasuna hobetzeko xedez sortuak. Sareko gailuak paketeak birbidaltzera mugatzen dira, kontrol logika guztia kontrolatzaile izeneko software batean zentralizatuta dagoen bitartean. Proiektu honetan sarea denbora errealean ikuskatzeko aplikazio bat proposatzen da, kontrolatzaile moduan ONOS erabiliko duena. ONOS-ek trafikoa jarraitzeko aplikazio bat duen arren, bakarrik erakusten ditu monitorizazioa ezarri denetik aurrera loturatik igarotako byteak. Proposatutako aplikazioak ONOS sistema baterako oinarriak finkatuko ditu. Lortu nahi diren parametroak latentzia, loturen erabilera eta pakete-galera dira